Personal update + a cause dear to my heart

First, a personal update: I had my first therapy session Monday morning. Wow! I really like my therapist and think we’re going to get a lot of good work done together.

Even in the first session, I got some incredible insights about myself. I put others before myself and feel incredible guilt if I don’t take care of others instead of myself. Instead of myself. Usually, that phrase is before myself. I take care of others to the exclusion of myself, meaning I don’t take care of myself. I never have. I feel like I’m lazy or selfish if I try to take time for myself. For me, true self-care doesn’t happen. And I feel like I’m being judged and found lacking if I try to say no. It’s no wonder I’m exhausted and can’t concentrate. A bubble bath with a book doesn’t count as self-care. It goes so much further than that. At least I think it does. Though to tell you the truth, it occurred to me that I don’t know what self-care actually is, because I’ve never done it. And I can’t relax because there’s always something I think I should be doing, and I feel guilty if I’m not doing it. All this guilt and I’m not even Jewish or Catholic. ; ) Combine that with being a control freak. It’s very difficult for me to give up a task once I’ve taken it on. Recipe for emotional and physical exhaustion, isn’t it? 

Not a half bad result for a first session. I’ve come up with a few solutions to those issues, but I won’t go into them right now. Later. Therapy is going to be so good for me. I’m looking forward to next Monday. Folks, if you’re going through some things, get yourself some therapy. It’s good stuff! 

Next is a cause near and dear to my heart — The Franklin All-Nighter for Mental Health. This is our third time doing this. Our, meaning University Baptist Church in Chapel Hill, NC, right on the corner of the famous Franklin Street and Columbia Street. Our pastor started this event three years ago in an effort to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment. Health is health, whether physical or mental, both should be talked about the same way, without shame. 

The All-Nighter is what it says. Participants walk or run all night, from sundown on Saturday, October 27 until sunrise Sunday, October 28. All donations benefit student mental health services on campus as well as meeting the mental health needs of Orange County’s homeless community. 

The first year I ran the support services offered in our MLK Jr. community room: medical, rest, drinks, keeping the food tables full (local restaurants donate goodies throughout the night), and the trash cans empty. Hmmm, taking care of people. I’m starting to see a trend. ; ) Seriously, I loved doing it. What can I say, I’m a helper. That first year I did that all night, dusk til dawn.

Last year, I participated and walked 20 miles. I wanted to do 26 to have a marathon distance, but two ingrown toenails and an arthritic knee had other goals. This year, I really wanted to do that 26, or better yet, 30 miles. But I’m just getting over a nasty cold and am pretty worn out. So, I’ll do as much as I can for as long as I can and be perfectly happy with it. BTW, that 30-mile goal came from our deacon chair for the first All-Nighter. She did 30 miles. (She’s also probably half my age, but that’s never stopped me.) Now that I’m deacon chair, I want to do 30. Yeah, I’m also incredibly competitive, something else to address in therapy. ; ) 

If any of you would like to make a donation in my name, HERE’S THE LINK. Even a couple of dollars would be welcome, but don’t feel like you have to. I know how tight money is for all of us right now. I’ve set a goal of $500. 

AND if any of you live close to Chapel Hill, we’d love to have you register and join us! USE THIS LINK this link for more information and to sign up. You could walk a couple of laps with me, and we can talk about books! If you do register, please send me an email so I know you’re gonna be there. On Sunday morning, all participants are treated to an incredible breakfast in our church’s Great Hall. That right there is worth staying up all night! I’d do it just for the biscuits and gravy. 

That’s it for now!