I can’t thank you enough!

My apologies for not updating you sooner, but I’ve had a lot on my plate. But first, I want to thank each and every one of you for your emails, posts, and messages! Just when I think I have the best fans in the world, you guys raise the bar even further. : ) You wrote to me, telling the stories of your own struggles, encouraging me and lifting me up. I simply cannot thank you enough! You’re my rocks and have helped me SO MUCH.

I contacted my doctor, and she recommended a therapy practice. I read all the bios, and at least three of the therapists would be a good fit for me. I haven’t contacted them yet for the same reason I haven’t updated you all.

For the first time in two years, Derek and I had planned a trip in early September to our family cabin in the NC mountains. And for the very first time, we took Ruby (our greyhound) and Benny & Ellie (our Jack Russells). The Jacks did great. Ruby, not so much. What was supposed to be eight days of relaxation and wrapping my head back around my book, turned into four days of trying to get Ruby to pee and poo somewhere other than inside the cabin. In her defense, there is a really large black bear on the mountain, and Ruby wasn’t about to potty anywhere that bear had been.

Also, I had poison ivy, which Benny had given to me just before we left. My doc prescribed prednisone, and as a result, sleeping was pretty much impossible. Between the pred and googling at 3 AM how to get a Lake Superior volume of pee out of an especially thick Oriental rug, sleep was an aspiration not obtained. By the way, an entire box of baking soda does the trick on rug pee. At least temporarily. We had to roll up the rug, throw it in the back of the truck, and bring it home with us to clean with our machine. The patient lived, stain free. Huzzah!

So, we left after four days to come home. The day after we got back, I was hit with what I thought was covid. The test said negative, but it sure as heck felt like covid. After a little over a week, I called my doc again, and she prescribed some antibiotics. Since I hadn’t gotten better on my own, she thought it’d gone into a sinus infection. I just finished the antibiotics yesterday. (Antibiotics make me feel crappy, too.) I still feel bad. I’ll give it a few more days, then I’ll go see the doc rather than doing a video call.

Though I might be tired from yesterday. Derek and I drove to Salisbury, NC, (outside Charlotte) to pick up a foster Jack Russell. I took the attached photo of Bandit this morning. Rescues don’t happen on people schedules. There was a dog in need, so we went. (I’ll tell you all about us getting involved in JRT rescue in another newsletter. And how there’s not much need for greyhound rescue any more. Which is a great thing!) 

So, long story not really short, (I am a novelist, after all), that’s a little of why I haven’t updated you. But I didn’t want you to worry that you haven’t heard from me. It was just life happening. Which beats the heck out of life not happening. ; ) 

I’ll send out another newsletter next week (at least I’ll try).
I love you all so much!